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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Observations of Marriage on my 26th Year Anniversary!


 Let me be perfectly clear on this one thing.... I now don't believe that anyone can "really" say they have a marriage until they have remained married for at least 25 years.  I know, it seems harsh, but true none the less.  After 25 years together a really wonderful thing happened - we realized that we didn't irritate each other any more and let me tell you, that's a big honkin deal!!  We had, surprisingly, earned enough respect from one another that we stopped impeding each other's progress.  It has been a wonderful discovery in the middle of the most challenging year in our marriage.  Isn't that just God's sense of humor at work, yet again, in our lives.... hahaha  I love that so much about my relationship with the Lord.  He promised me early on that He would provide a Coat of Armor for my personal "battles" but, He also warned me that the Suit of Armor would look beat to absolute Hell once I was done with it, but I would survive if I kept it on.  So, far so good on that...  Marriage is much the same way.  Dirk and I decided when we made this union that God would be at the center of our relationship as He would always want us to remain united.  I'm so glad we did and are.  i believe that in many ways God gave our marriage a Coat of Armor as well.  It has felt that way at times.  I am very thankful to God for my husband and children.  They are my inspiration to continue to Press on toward the Goal of the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus.  As I did 26 years ago, my sweet husband, I dedicate the next 50 years to our Lord God for Him to keep us safely nestled in His loving arms.  

Thanks to all who are actively supporting our little family with your care and concern, prayers and laughter.  We are very thankful for you. 


 Self Portrait - :)
 My Fly Boy
 Somewhere over Illinois....

 Ta Da - My dismount was a 10!
 Blurry photo taken by this girl :)
 Beautiful Sunset ending to a perfect day....
oops!  one more photo

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