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Friday, February 24, 2012



Each year since his death, at the end of February, I begin to think about all of the things I learned from the greatest Coach a girl could have.  You see, his birthday was March 1st, and that is a very important detail for understanding this, extremely complex, man.   Dad was a deep thinker and a good poker player.   Anyone who knew my dad, soon realized why we called him Coach, as he was just very, very good at telling you the one little "thing" you could change in order to be more "effective" at whatever you were trying.   Be it baseball, or selling paper cups, if you listened to my dad most likely he would have helped you improve your "game".

I listened to every word that came out of his mouth.  Buck and I especially listened.  It was usually he or me who most likely held the responsibility for Coach's latest "anger management" issues :)  With Buck, Coach became the man who inspired the purchase of Mikey Jo, our bird dog, who became a world class pointer and retriever.  Coach helped my brother feed and nurture his love for nature as well as that dog.  I mean, literally.  We shared a deep feeling of responsibility to take care of our world and to try and leave nature a little "better" than we found it.   Certainly, under no circumstances, were we ever taught to walk away and leave trash or a burning fire.  Buck and my father fantasized about living in the wilderness depending only on themselves, needing nothing except bullets, arrows, fresh water, hooks, etc......   Buck and dad worked their way through the Eagle Scout qualifier book ONE PAGE AT A TIME!  Fortunately, I was often along beside them.  It was amazing, learning all about the basics such as fly fishing (my brother could tie the coolest flies you ever saw!) and fire starting.  I enjoyed encouraging Buck to tread water a little longer in order to swim a mile in fresh water without stopping...... Today, Buck would certainly be the Uber-Contestant in a show like Survivor,  FOR REAL!  Coach taught us about being "survivors" in our own lives.  

We often spoke about how amazing it is that God puts into some people a sort of "chip" that makes them  DETERMINED to see what is on the other side of a mountain in front of them....  other people... could live a lifetime and never even wonder what is over there.  A person like Buck?   He had that chip.... absolutely!  Even though Coach knew it would have been much "SAFER" for Buck to just forget about his mountain climbing.... my dad also knew that to force a "safe" lifestyle onto Buck wouldn't have worked at all.   I learned how to love my own children by watching my dad afford his son the freedom to make his own choices and go and see what was on the other side of that mountain.....

I learned, through watching Coach in his other relationships,  that true love is the kind that's found on a familial level.  Family, knows you and accepts you.  It includes you always and is consistent.  You can count on it and it helps you to become all that you can be.  It leads you upward always and never brings you down.  I really appreciate more now what he taught me about family and how important a role they play in a person's life.  My children have known that kind of love because of what Coach taught me.

I wish that my dad and I could have had a few more years to talk.  I know that Coach would have been very much a part of my life and my kids' lives had he not been called home.  I learned a lot about family from him.  I think, many times, that I'm the only one who was listening with respect to family and the role that it should play in a person's life.  Unfortunately, once Coach left us, the family that I thought I had, just exploded into nothingness.  It happens that way, some times.  I have taken the valuable lessons that Coach taught us and raised his grandchildren on them along side his wisdom, common sense, spirituality and generosity.  

Happy Birthday a little early this year, Coach!  I loved you so very much!

Sarah beth

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Most Fun I've Ever had in a Police Station at Nite :)

Yep!  This is the police station at nite alright.... but, it was actually the locale for a very "foodie and upscale dinner party" better known as Entre Underground!  Wow!

Here is the menu that sat at each place setting:

 and here is my favorite of the courses, it was described by the "cookers" (Chef's amongst us shall not be named) as the Breakfast of the 1 percent-ers!  Loved that!  It was the foie gras, apple pain purdu which I found out on Valentines nite is foie gras (obviously) with french toast and topped with a perfect quail egg"  here is the picture that my date, the dignified, JD. Vander Zee...

 took... isn't that amazingness!

and while I'm at it may I just tell you folks that it is so awesome to go to one of these dinners..... just seek entre underground and you will, too, be seated along side a ton of people that you will probably never see again..... and you may scream out - in between courses in thundering applause - as JD and I and the other guests around us did!

Here is what the "candle" sees:

that is the jail cell right there in green... it was like Barney Fife himself, was gonna just go walking through the jail as we ate .... very cool vibe during this amazing experience!  It filled up completely - sold out many days in advance - so SEEK ST. LOUIS!  I'll see ya there - love you guys so much at ENTRE UNDERGROUND!  YOU are the "kings" of food over there big time - thank you!

from the mom of JD (who got new shoes for the dinner) :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Most Fun I've Ever Had in a Guy's Basement!

Yes.... this is JD's room.... he has the only decent computer in the house..... of course.... anyway, I thought it would be funny if I made the above picture his screensaver..... how frightening is that?  I know, right?!  Me and those banging arms just taunting him when he powers up.... tee hee!

So, a friend-emy or however you spell that one (?) facebooked me the other day and she was like, "hey, my husband has started a rock band with his brother.... yadda...yadda.... and I need to tell as many people as I can that the band sort of needs an audience.... so, if you are AVAILABLE on FRIDAY NITE??? huh?  BACK UP.... REWIND!

Well, Friday nite comes, and I just know that when I tell my husband about what exactly it IS that I'm leaving the house in sleet to go do, he is just gonna .........(put your tounge as hard to the left cheek as possible and hold there) .......that would certainly be his face, which it was..... he was so, like., "that's fine, I'm just gonna hang out here  and just be home and comfortable tonight"...... wow!  That was pulling out the big guns on me, right there!  I was soooooo tempted to just bail on this friend and she would, obviously, have understood.  But, I found myself passing the HUMONGOUS GREEN BRIDGE to St. Charles the other nite and when I turned onto the street where this little shin dig was going down - GUYS!  THERE WERE LIKE 50 cars everywhere on all of the streets - seemed like I was arriving at the most popular party in all of West County!  Now, I was ready for some old time rock and roll!

Only, I had no idea what to expect out of a band comprised COMPLETELY out of ENGINEERS!  They all seemed very "engineery" when I saw them, I will say, that was utterly consistent.   And, by that I only mean that engineers have always been the SMART people at the table when I've hung with any.... it just seemed EXTREMELY inspirational to me that here were people who normally work in an office with bright lights and lots of numbers sort of thing, and, in their off time...... did you get that....?  In their off time, they were stretching each other to PERFORM in front of others because each of those band members told me that nite that inside every one of them was a BURNING DESIRE to PERFORM!  WOW!

So, the guy's (whose basement) I was in was apparently the Boss of some of the other band members and about a year ago they got together and began playing their teens "rock band" in the basement and from that..... they encouraged each other with "I'll buy a real instrument and learn how to play it, if you will" and, ........ did I mention they did 3 SETS that nite - I was front and center until the lead guitarist asked me to pick my glass off the little table........ and then he jumped up and did the best solo EVER!  Just cheeks a BLAZIN!  IT WAS SO INSPIRATIONAL FOR ME THAT NITE TO SEE THIS!

The 2 singers of the band were found on Craigs List.  I couldn't stop now, I had to know their back story and both of them shared weight loss - a lot of weight loss in common!  Each of them always thought they could carry a tune and drop it like it's hot.... so they just tried and now they are in a rock band..... that, OMGosh you have got to listen to this one...... I've never really been much of a Pink Floyd fan but only because every single young man I've ever known just shoves it at us girls.... so, of course..... it's like NO!  anyway, the ENGINEERS added A LASER SHOW while they were playing Dark Side of the Moon!  It was THE MOST FUN THAT I'VE EVER HAD IN A GUYS BASEMENT!   Hey!  If anyone needs an invite to this party, I happen to know a guy, who knows a girl...........!

Be inspired by those around you and be sure to know if this guy is in your neighborhood!  You'll know by all of the cars everywhere!